Reading Schedule: Summer 2021

I’ve been reading John Owen’s Communion with the Triune God, an edited and annotated version of Of Communion with God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, intermittently for way too long! It’s time for me to wrap this book up. I’m setting a reading schedule for myself. It assumes a pace of around 20 pages per week.

  1. September 5: page 344 (halfway through Part 2, Chapter 10)
  2. September 12: page 367 (the rest of Part 2, Chapter 10; and Part 3, Chapter 1)
  3. September 19: page 389 Part 3, Chapters 2–3)
  4. September 26: page 411 (Part 3, Chapters 4–6)
  5. October 3: page 426 (Part 3, Chapters 7–8)

If I read around four pages per day, five days per week, I should be able to meet my goal. Feel free to join me!